5.3.3 Direct Choreography

The process of direct communication between (prospective) Licensee and (prospective) Licensor is somewhat simpler and only if these steps. There are several approaches, depending on who of the two parties offers a web service. The first two cases are asymmetric in that only one of the two parties offers a web service. These cases are subsets of the hub based choreography. The last case is where both (prospective) Licensee and (prospective) Licensor offer a web service and this is, in turn a subset of the asymmetric cases. Only the (prospective) Licensor has published a Web Server

  1. The (prospective) Licensee calls the Web Service endpoint published by the (prospective) Licensor using the POST ClaimRequest call with a MusicalWorkRightsClaimRequestMessage;  

  2. The (prospective) Licensor replies to this call with a MusicalWorkRightsClaimNotificationMessage (if it has all information available  – not shown in the diagram above) or a holding message which informs the (prospective) Licensee that the information will be provided at a later stage;

  3. The (prospective) Licensee regularly calls the (prospective) Licensor's web service with a GET ClaimNotificationList call. 

  4. The (prospective) Licensor replies to this with an Atom feed providing a URL for all MusicalWorkRightsClaimNotificationMessages that are ready to be collected; 

  5. The (prospective) Licensee can then call the (prospective) Licensor's GET ClaimNotification  Web Service endpoint for each URL provided in Step 4 to which the (prospective) Licensor will respond with the requested MusicalWorkRightsClaimNotificationMessage. Only the (prospective) Licensee has published a Web Server

  1. The (prospective) Licensor calls the Web Service endpoint published by the (prospective) Licensee using the GET ClaimRequestListcall to which the    

  2. The (prospective) Licensee replies to this call with an Atom feed providing a URL for all MusicalWorkRightsClaimRequestMessagesthat are ready to be collected;

  3. The (prospective) Licensor calls the (prospective)  Licensee's web service with a GET ClaimRequest call for  each URL provided in Step 2;

  4. The (prospective)  Licensee replies to this call with a MusicalWorkRightsClaimRequestMessage;  and

  5. The (prospective) Licensor can call the (prospective)  Licensee's POST ClaimNotification  Web Service endpoint with the requested MusicalWorkRightsClaimNotificationMessage once it has assembled the information. Both Parties have published a Web Server

  1. The (prospective) Licensee calls the Web Service endpoint published by the (prospective) Licensor using the POST ClaimRequest call with a MusicalWorkRightsClaimRequestMessage;  

  2.  The (prospective) Licensor replies to this call with a MusicalWorkRightsClaimNotificationMessage (if it has all information available  – not shown in the diagram above) or a holding message which informs the (prospective) Licensee that the information will be provided at a later stage;

  3. For each claim request that has not been able to be fulfilled immediately, the (prospective) Licensor can call the (prospective)  Licensee's POST ClaimNotification  Web Service endpoint with the requested MusicalWorkRightsClaimNotificationMessage once it has assembled the information.