5.3.1 Introduction
The approach to communicating Rights Share claims and requests for Rights Share claims defined in this clause is asymmetric: only one party will need to publish and maintain a Web Service. The other party will need call these Web Services and thus initiate the communication.
As a consequence the party that calls the Web Service determines the speed of the communication. Whenever that party is able or interested to receive information, it can call its business partner’s Web Service. It is then the responsibility of that party to deliver the appropriate information.
This standard defines two Web Service choreographies:
One where the information is exchanged directly between (prospective) Licensee and (prospective) Licensor; and
One where the information is exchanged via a central Hub.
In both cases, two Web Service interfaces are defined:
The Web Service interfaces offered by company that wishes to receive
from its business partners; andThe Web Service interfaces offered by company that wishes to receive
from its business partners.
Theses choreographies and interfaces are depicted below. Figures shows the direct communucation between (prospective) Licensee and (prospective) Licensor whereas Figure 5 depicts the Hub-based approach. The individual steps in the choreography are then defined in Clauses 5.3.2 and 5.3.3.
Figure 4: Web Service Choreography – direct communication
Figure 5: Web Service Choreography – communication via a central Hub
Specifically not shown in the diagrams is the approach to exception handling.
It is for instance possible that a (prospective) Licensee requests a the delivery of a MusicalWorkRightsClaimNotificationMessage
based on the information received on an earlier delivery request command – but that that MusicalWorkRightsClaimNotificationMessage
no longer exists at that URL. In that case the response from the (prospective) Licensor’s or hub's Web Service could be a “redirect” with a 301 status code which could trigger the (prospective) Licensee to request the MusicalWorkRightsClaimNotificationMessage
using the information received in that reply.